Things are slowly coming together at the pump track in Howick, we have done quite a bit of building since my last post on here. The track is now ridable but there is still some fine tuning to be done, some burms didn't work out the way I planned as they just to tight. So we gonna go back to the drawing board and re-design parts of the track and make it alot smoother when we are happy with the finalised plan. Other than that I'm really happy with how it came out. It's loads of fun to ride and is very physically demanding...3 laps of half this track at flat out race pace and you start seeing black dots and feeling a bit woozy. We had a session there yesterday once the sun had gone down and it cooled a bit, there's just so much you can do on this track it's awesome. We just rode and practiced cornering, finding new lines and playing some tag on the bikes, I'm really looking towards our grand opening and first pump track race! Here's some fun facts on the track as it looks now:
Track direction: Anti-clockwise
Left hand turns: 6
Right hand turns: 2
180 degree burm: 1
Rollers: 19
Tables: 2
Step ups: 3
Bob-cat working time: 6 1/2 hours
Man hours so far: +- 15 hours (and counting)
Sun burns: 2
Grant from Adrenalin Cycles has a key to open the gate above the pump track, so feel free to give it a test ride anytime! Thanks to Kelvin, Hayden and my dad for the help with building. Watch this space for more pics as well as the date for our grand opening event.
Check below for some updated photees
Ride safe,